(Continuation of BSEC News – Awareness Message for Investors) 3. Do not pay any heed to rumors at the time of trading shares; it may cause loss to you. Even spreading rumor is legally prohibited. (Ref.: SEC letter no. SEC/SRMIC/2010/726…

(Continuation of BSEC News – Awareness Message for Investors) 3. Do not pay any heed to rumors at the time of trading shares; it may cause loss to you. Even spreading rumor is legally prohibited. (Ref.: SEC letter no. SEC/SRMIC/2010/726…
As per Regulation 16(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on June 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial…
Refer to their earlier news disseminated by DSE on 14.06.2022 regarding Q2 Financials, the Company has further informed that EPS for the period from July-December, 2021 would be Tk. (0.89) instead of Tk. 0.89. Other information of the earlier disclosure…