Honorable Investors, Good morning! Please make your investment decision based on Company fundamentals, technical analysis, price level and disclosed information. Avoid rumor-based speculations.TRADING CODE: REGL
Investors are requested to consider the following facts at the time of making investment decision in the Capital Market: 1. Without acquiring proper knowledge, information and experience regarding different aspects and matters of Capital Market, one should not invest in the Capital Market. 2. The gain or loss, whichever comes from the investment, it belongs to you. So, well - thought of investment decision based on knowledge and fundamentals of the securities may be real assistance to you. (cont.)TRADING CODE: REGL
(Continuation of BSEC News - Awareness Message for Investors) 3. Do not pay any heed to rumors at the time of trading shares; it may cause loss to you. Even spreading rumor is legally prohibited. (Ref.: SEC letter no. SEC/SRMIC/2010/726 dated November 23, 2010). (end)TRADING CODE: EXCH
DSE does not publish market data through any social media pages. INVESTORS should not rely on any information from an unauthorized source such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Linkedin etc. (cont.)TRADING CODE: EXCH
(Continuation of DSE News): If anyone spreads information based on rumor, using patent of DSE, he/she will be held liable under Copyright Act, 2000 and it shall be treated as punishable offence under Section-17 of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969. (end)TRADING CODE: EXCH
DSENEWS: All Stock Dealers, Stock Brokers and Authorized Representatives are asked to strictly follow the code of conduct as enumerated in the Second Schedule to the Securities and Exchange Commission (Stock Dealer, Stock Broker and Authorized Representative) Rules, 2000.TRADING CODE: BANGAS
The Board of Directors has recommended 4% Cash Dividend to general shareholders except Directors and Sponsors for the year ended June 30, 2024. Date of AGM: 20.11.2024, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Hybrid Platform (Chuadanga). Record Date: 29.10.2024. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 0.31, NAV per share of Tk. 21.01 and NOCFPS of Tk. (0.15) for the year ended June 30, 2024 as against Tk. 0.29, Tk. 20.96 and Tk. (0.32) respectively for the year ended June 30, 2023.TRADING CODE: BANGAS
There will be no price limit on the trading of the shares of the Company today (09.10.2024) following its corporate declaration.TRADING CODE: CVOPRL
The auditor of the company has given the "Qualified Opinion" paragraph in the Auditor's Report of the company for the year ended June 30, 2024. To view the details, please visit: CODE: APEXTANRY
The Board of Directors has recommended 5% Cash Dividend for General shareholders other than Sponsor Shareholders for the year ended June 30, 2024. Date of AGM: 26.12.2024, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Hybrid System (Both Physical and Digital Platform) at Apex Tannery Limited, Plot no. XA1, XA2, XA3 and XS8, BSCIC Tannery Industrial Estate, Harindhara, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka-1340. (cont.)TRADING CODE: APEXTANRY
(Cont. news of APEXTANRY): Record date: 04.11.2024. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. (8.31), NAV per share of Tk. 45.43 and NOCFPS of Tk. 1.87 for the year ended June 30, 2024 as against Tk. (8.17), Tk. 54.85 and Tk. 5.38 respectively for the year ended June 30, 2023. (end)TRADING CODE: APEXTANRY
There will be no price limit on the trading of the shares of the Company today (09.10.2024) following its corporate declaration.TRADING CODE: TB5Y0428
Trading of 5Y BGTB 12/04/2028 Government Securities will remain suspended only on record date i.e., 09.10.2024 due to declaration of government holiday on October 10, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB15Y1025
Trading of 15Y BGTB 13/10/2025 Government Securities will remain suspended only on record date i.e., 09.10.2024 due to declaration of government holiday on October 10, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB15Y0426
Trading of 15Y BGTB 13/04/2026 Government Securities will remain suspended only on record date i.e., 09.10.2024 due to declaration of government holiday on October 10, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB15Y1024
Trading of 15Y BGTB 14/10/2024 Government Securities will remain suspended only on record date i.e., 09.10.2024 due to declaration of government holiday on October 10, 2024. The Government Securities will be delisted effective from 14.10.2024 due to completion of maturity.TRADING CODE: RUNNERAUTO
The Company has been placed in 'Z' category from existing 'A' category with effect from today i.e., October 09, 2024 as per provision 1(e) of BSEC Directive No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/77, dated May 20, 2024 regarding non-disbursement of at least 80% of the approved dividend within the stipulated time frame.TRADING CODE: RUNNERAUTO
The Stock Brokers and Merchant Bankers are requested to abstain from providing loan facilities to purchase securities of Runner Automobiles PLC with effect from today i.e., October 09, 2024 as per BSEC Directive No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/32 dated December 26, 2021.TRADING CODE: TB5Y1025
Trading of 05Y BGTB 14/10/2025 Government Securities will remain suspended only on record date i.e., 09.10.2024 due to declaration of government holiday on October 10, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB15Y0425
Trading of 15Y BGTB 15/04/2025 Government Securities will be suspended on record date i.e., 14.10.2024 and day before the record date i.e., 09.10.2024. Trading of the Government Securities will resume on 15.10.2024.TRADING CODE: TB5Y0429
Trading of 05Y BGTB 15/04/2029 Government Securities will be suspended on record date i.e., 14.10.2024 and day before the record date i.e., 09.10.2024. Trading of the Government Securities will resume on 15.10.2024.TRADING CODE: TALLUSPIN
The Board of Directors has recommended No dividend for the year ended June 30, 2024. Date of AGM: 20.11.2024, Time: 12:00 PM, Venue: Hybrid Platform (Chuadanga). Record Date: 29.10.2024. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. (2.62), NAV per share of Tk. 16.21 and NOCFPS of Tk. 0.01 for the year ended June 30, 2024 as against Tk. (2.90), Tk. 18.83 and Tk. (0.02) respectively for the year ended June 30, 2023.TRADING CODE: TALLUSPIN
There will be no price limit on the trading of the shares of the Company today (09.10.2024) following its corporate declaration.TRADING CODE: MITHUNKNIT
The Board of Directors has recommended No Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2024. Date of AGM: 20.11.2024, Time: 1:00 PM, Venue: Hybrid platform (Chuadanga). Record Date: 29.10.2024. The company has informed that due to the suspension of factory operation since September 20, 2019, the Earnings Per Share and Net Operating Cash Flow Per share were null. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) formed a three-member enquiry committee and subsequently invited management of the company. (cont.)TRADING CODE: MITHUNKNIT
(Continuation news of MITHUNKNIT): The company has also mentioned that CEPZ terminated the lease agreement with MKDL which is in effect from 26.02.2019 and informed company management regarding the auction notice of the Non-current assets of the company through a notice dated 16.09.2021. So, it is not possible to disclose the net asset value (NAV) of the company before a final report of the enquiry committee recommended by BSEC has been submitted. (end)TRADING CODE: MITHUNKNIT
There will be no price limit on the trading of the shares of the Company today (09.10.2024) following its corporate declaration.TRADING CODE: LOVELLO
As per Regulation 19(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 17, 2024 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: FEKDIL
As per Regulation 19(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 20, 2024 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: JAMUNABANK
The Company has informed that 16,259,189 shares of Late Fazlur Rahman, a sponsor shareholder and former director of the company who passed away on 25.12.2023, will be transmitted among his successors according to the Succession Certificate issued by the Honorable Court.TRADING CODE: JAMUNABANK
Mr. Md. Hasan, one of the Directors of the Company, has informed that he will receive a total of 6,174,427 shares (including 483,711 bonus shares held in suspense account of the company) from his father Late Fazlur Rahman, as being one of the successors as per succession certificate issued by the Honorable Court.TRADING CODE: EXCH
The trading and official activities of Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC. will remain closed from October 10, 2024 to October 13, 2024 including regular holidays for 'Durga Puja'. The trading and official activities will resume on October 14, 2024 accordingly.TRADING CODE: SINOBANGLA
The Company has informed that it has disbursed the Cash Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2023 to the respective shareholders.TRADING CODE: BGIC
As per Regulation 16(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 17, 2024 at 2:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB10Y1030
Record date for entitlement of coupon payment of 10Y BGTB 21/10/2030 Government Securities is 20.10.2024.TRADING CODE: ABB1STMF
Trading of the units of the fund will be allowed only in the Spot Market and Block transaction will also be settled as per spot settlement cycle from 14.10.2024 to 15.10.2024 and trading of the units of the fund will remain suspended on record date i.e., 16.10.2024.TRADING CODE: EBLNRBMF
Trading of the units of the fund will be allowed only in the Spot Market and Block transaction will also be settled as per spot settlement cycle from 14.10.2024 to 15.10.2024 and trading of the units of the fund will remain suspended on record date i.e., 16.10.2024.TRADING CODE: PHPMF1
Trading of the units of the fund will be allowed only in the Spot Market and Block transaction will also be settled as per spot settlement cycle from 14.10.2024 to 15.10.2024 and trading of the units of the fund will remain suspended on record date i.e., 16.10.2024.TRADING CODE: POPULAR1MF
Trading of the units of the fund will be allowed only in the Spot Market and Block transaction will also be settled as per spot settlement cycle from 14.10.2024 to 15.10.2024 and trading of the units of the fund will remain suspended on record date i.e., 16.10.2024.TRADING CODE: PRIMETEX
Refer to their earlier news disseminated by DSE on 12.09.2024, the company has further informed that their 35th AGM will be held through Hybrid System. Physical Location: Abacus Convention Center, Red Cresent-Borak Tower, 71-72, Eskaton Garden, Ramna, Dhaka-1215. All other information will remain unchanged.TRADING CODE: TR1GSTGZCB
Refer to their earlier news disseminated by DSE on 06.10.2024 regarding record date intimation, Sreepur Township Limited, issuer of IFIC Guaranteed Sreepur Township Green Zero Coupon Bond-Tranche 01, has further informed that the new record date will be 14.10.2024 instead of earlier declared record date 10.10.2024.TRADING CODE: TR1GSTGZCB
Trading of IFIC Guaranteed Sreepur Township Green Zero Coupon Bond-Tranche 01
will remain suspended on record date i.e., 14.10.2024.TRADING CODE: PRIMELIFE
Trading of the shares of the company will resume on 14.10.2024.TRADING CODE: TB10Y0425
Record date for entitlement of coupon payment of 10Y BGTB 22/04/2025 Government Securities is 21.10.2024.TRADING CODE: MEGCONMILK
As per Regulation 19(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 28, 2024 at 2:35 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: MEGHNAPET
As per Regulation 19(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB5Y0428
Trading of 05Y BGTB 12/04/2028 Government Securities will resume on 14.10.2024.TRADING CODE: TB15Y1025
Trading of 15Y BGTB 13/10/2025 Government Securities will resume on 14.10.2024.TRADING CODE: MEGCONMILK
As per Regulation 16(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 30, 2024 at 2:35 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: TB15Y0426
Trading of 15Y BGTB 13/04/2026 Government Securities will resume on 14.10.2024.TRADING CODE: TB5Y1025
Trading of 05Y BGTB 14/10/2025 Government Securities will resume on 14.10.2024.TRADING CODE: MEGHNAPET
As per Regulation 16(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 30, 2024 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: DBH
As per Regulation 16(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 17, 2024 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: DESCO
The Company has further informed that, due to unavoidable circumstances, the Board meeting under Regulation 19(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, will be held on October 14, 2024 instead of October 10, 2024 to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024. Other things of the meeting will remain unchanged.TRADING CODE: ADNTEL
As per Regulation 19(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 24, 2024 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: ADNTEL
As per Regulation 16(1) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations, 2015, the Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on October 24, 2024 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2024.TRADING CODE: RENATA
Alpha Credit Rating Limited (AlphaRating) has assigned the Surveillance rating of the Company as "AAA" in the long term and "ST-1" in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2024 and relevant qualitative information till October 07, 2024.TRADING CODE: BEN
Withdrawal of Authorized Representative: Benemoy Securities Limited (DSE TREC No. 291) has withdrawn one of its Authorized Representatives, Mr. Md. Awrangajeb with immediate effect.TRADING CODE: EXCH
Today's (09.10.2024) Total Trades: 125,917; Volume: 134,303,302 and Turnover: Tk. 3,766.09 million.TRADING CODE: APEXTANRY
Refer to their earlier news disseminated today i.e., 09.10.2024 regarding dividend declaration, the company has further informed that quantity of securities held by sponsors: 8,33,850 nos. and amount payable to general securities holders as dividend: Tk. 72,03,075.00.TRADING CODE: IPDC
Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC. (DSE) has approved the proposed name change of the Company. Accordingly, the name of the Company will be 'IPDC Finance PLC. ' instead of 'IPDC Finance Limited' with effect from October 14, 2024. Other things (except name) will remain unchanged.